Kanzawa, JL123, JL516, and Me

Don’t worry, the title doesn’t include a typo – it really is supposed to be ‘Kanzawa’ rather than ‘Kanazawa’, a city that is close to the epicentre of the recent Noto Peninsula Earthquake and Tsunami. The relevance to the name ‘Kanzawa’ will become clearer below. Further to my posts about the initial news of the…

Appearance on Flugforensik Podcast Episode about the JL123 Crash

I was recently interviewed for the German podcast Flugforensik (literally ‘flight forensics’) in relation to my research about the JL123 crash. Much of the podcast is in German, but the interviews which were done in English are included as they were recorded (with an explanation in German of what was said). The podcast includes a…

Sideways Podcast Episode Related to the JL123 Crash

This will be a relatively short post as it’s largely just to raise awareness of a podcast episode related to the JL123 crash (which I have been researching since 2007). The episode is part of BBC’s Sideways Series in which best-selling author Matthew Syed explores the ideas that shape our lives with stories of seeing…

My First Fieldwork Trip for Research Related to the JL123 Crash

It was recently the 38th anniversary of the JL123 crash. I spent an hour or so watching the live YouTube broadcast of the memorial services at Irei-no-Sono, reading some of the news articles about the anniversary, and seeing what people were tweeting about the crash/anniversary. I’m so glad that Ueno-mura does the live broadcasts of…

Remembering the JL123 Crash on the 38th Anniversary

Today is 12 August 2023 and the 38th anniversary of the JL123 crash. As usual, I will spend much of the day reflecting on the crash. My thoughts are with all of those who lost loved ones in the crash and were otherwise impacted by the crash. Let us never forget, plane crashes are about…

The JL123 Isho (Japanese)/日航123便の遺書

One of the most well known aspects of JL123 are the isho (‘last notes’, ‘last memo’, ‘will’, or ‘final letters’) written by some of the passengers. I have provided translations of the isho in another post, and am providing the original Japanese here. Hirotsugu Kawaguchi (河口博次)マリコ津慶知代子どうか仲良くがんばってママをたすけて下さい パパは本当に残念だきっと助かるまい原因は分らない今5分たった もう飛行機には乗りたくないどうか神様たすけて下さいきのうみんなと食事をしたのは最后とは何か機内で爆発したような形で煙が出て 降下しだしたどこえどうなるのか津慶しっかりたんだぞ (原文ママ) ママ こんな事になるとは残念ださようなら子供達の事をよろしくたのむ今6時半だ飛行機はまわりながら急速に降下中だ本当に今迄は幸せな人生だったと感謝している Keiichi Matsumoto (松本圭市)PM6:30知子 哲也(両親を)をたのむ 圭市突然 ドカンといってマスクがおりた ドカンといて降下はじめるしっかり生きろ 哲也 立派になれ Ryohei Murakami…

Modern Disasters and JL123 (and HMS Hood)

I spent virtually the whole of yesterday working on my conference presentation ‘Death Notes: Haunting messages from those who died in the world’s largest single plane crash‘. This paper is about the isho (last notes) which were written on JL123. As I plan to develop this presentation into an article, unlike how I have often…

Take To The Sky JL123 Podcast

Not that long ago I wrote a post about The Take To The Sky Podcast and The 1960 New York Mid-Air Collision. This is another post about The Take To The Sky Podcast, but this time it’s related to a crash much more closely related to my heart and my research. After about three years,…

Discussing JL123 with Google Bard

On the back of my first (underwhelming) interaction with Google’s Bard, it is time to compare how it can cope with discussing a topic related to my research – the JL123 crash – just as I did with ChatGPT and with Bing. I tried asking exactly the same questions as I did with ChatGPT and…

Discussing JL123 with Bing’s AI

On the back of my first interaction with Bing’s AI, it is time to compare how it can cope with discussing a topic related to my research – the JL123 crash – just as I did with ChatGPT. I tried asking exactly the same questions as I did with ChatGPT. For the sake of keeping…

Discussing JL123 with ChatGPT/OpenAI

Having started to get an understanding of what ChatGPT/Open Ai can do, as I discussed in my post First Interactions with ChatGPT/OpenAI, I decided to up the ante and move on to a topic related to my research – the JL123 crash. There was no point in beating about the bush – so for the…

Researching the JL123 isho (last messages) – Update

As I have posted about before, since I moved my website to this one, consistently one of the most popular post each month is the one that contains my translations of the isho (last messages) written on JL123 (JAL 123). So, a couple of years ago, I decided to do some more research about the…